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The Beauty and Complexity of Indian Rosewood (Dalbergia Latifolia)


The Beauty and Complexity of Indian Rosewood (Dalbergia Latifolia)

Indian rosewood, scientifically known as Dalbergia Latifolia, is a marvel of nature with its rich history, diverse applications, and ecological importance. Let’s delve into the captivating world of this species and explore its significance.

Origins and Characteristics

Native Habitat

Dalbergia Latifolia is native to India and Indonesia, flourishing in tropical regions. It can also be found in countries such as Nigeria, Kenya, Vietnam, and the Philippines, where it is cultivated as an ornamental plant.

Physical Attributes

Known for its towering stature, Indian rosewood can reach up to 40 meters in height. It boasts dense, durable wood with a long, straight grain, making it highly sought after globally. Additionally, its bark is utilized for medicinal purposes within its natural range.

Utilization and Applications

Diverse Uses

Indian rosewood is a versatile species, valued for various applications including furniture making, plywood production, veneer crafting, musical instrument construction, and decorative woodworking. Its robust and visually appealing wood has made it a popular choice in the industry.

Threats and Conservation

Despite its commercial value, Dalbergia Latifolia faces challenges such as overexploitation for timber and illegal logging. These factors have led to its vulnerable status on the IUCN Red List. Efforts such as establishing plantations in regions like Java and India aim to sustainably meet the demand for Indian rosewood.

Global Trade and Regulations

Market Dynamics

Indian rosewood is a major export species, with significant trade to countries like China, the U.S., and the EU. Its high quality and diverse applications contribute to its desirability in international markets.

Legal Framework

Noteworthy regulations include the Indian Forest Act, which restricts the export of Dalbergia Latifolia logs and sawn timber. Such measures highlight the importance of sustainable forestry practices to safeguard this valuable species.


Indian rosewood, with its elegance, durability, and ecological significance, stands as a testament to nature’s splendor. While facing threats from overexploitation, efforts towards conservation and sustainable management are crucial to ensure the longevity of this prized species.

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